
Showing posts from August, 2021


In 1999, two otherwise normal looking young adults of age seventeen and eighteen years old raised through a High School in the United States of America killing in cold blood twelve students and one teacher. America was shocked and remains in shock, at the gruesome display of raw, naked evil. These normal looking boys who were admirers of Hitler, just enjoyed killing. “Do you believe in God?” one of them asked a girl. When she said yes, he asked why but never gave her a chance to answer. He fired point-blank into her face. Some years back in the area of Benin City, Nigeria, I saw a group of little kids less than 15 years of age chasing a child their age with weapons (knives, machetes, battle axe) promising to kill him when they catch him. Wanted to interfere, but was told that they belonged to a gang (cult).  Two clean-cut kids in Arkansas (USA) who looked like “the kids next door” took up positions outside the school, rang the fire alarm to get students running outside th