Who's This Guy? | A Short Story For Atheist And Evolutionists

In Williams Steig's ‘Yellow & Pink,’ a delightful whimsical (amusing/playful) book for children, two wooden figures wake up to find themselves lying on an  old newspaper in the hot sun. One figure is painted yellow, the other pink.

Suddenly, Yellow sits up and asks, “Do you know what we are doing here?”

“No,” replies Pink. “I don't even remember getting here.” 

So begins a debate between the two marionettes (puppets) over the origin of their existence.

Pink surveys their well-formed features and concludes, “Someone must have made us.”

Yellow disagrees. “I say we're an accident,” and he outlines a hypothetical scenario (a reasonable explanation) of how it might have happened. A branch might have broken off a tree and fallen on a sharp rock, splitting one end of the branch into two legs. Then the wind might have sent it tumbling down a hill until it was chipped and shaped. Perhaps a flash of lightning struck in such a way as to splinter the wood into arms and fingers. Eyes might have been formed by woodpeckers boring in the wood.

“With enough time, a thousand, a million, maybe two and a half million years, lots of unusual things could happen,” says Yellow. “Why not us?”

The two figures argue back and forth.

In the end, the discussion is cut off by the appearance of a man coming out of a nearby house. He strolls to the puppets, picks them up, and checks their paint. “Nice and dry,” He comments, and tucking them under his arm, He heads back toward the house. 

Peering out from under the man's arm, Yellow whispers in Pink's ear, “Who is this guy?”

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