Science Helplessly Proves The Existence Of God

First of, I want to register it in your mind that there are two kinds of science. There's the philosophical and the true science. True science is based on facts established from practicals and experiments. Philosophical science is based on assumption and very much like a religion and seeks to undermine Bible truth. But even philosophical science helplessly proves the existence of God.

Philosophical science helplessly agrees and proves that there's God. Take for example, ‘The Big Bang Theory’, in most motion pictures (video) starts with the birth of a universe implying that there was a beginning (Genesis 1:1). 

Charles Colson in his book ‘Developing a Christian Worldview of Science and Evolution, ’ explains it better; 

The birth of the universe according to Big Bang theorists begins with a flash of light and energy. Genesis 1:3 says, “Let there be light...” Science has begun to sound eerily like the Bible.

The laws of thermodynamics actually make it imperative to believe in a beginning to the universe; the second law—the law of decay, implies that the universe is in a process of gradual disintegration—implacably moving toward final darkness and decay. In other words, the universe is running down like a wound-up clock. And if it is running down, then there must have been a time when it was wound up. In the eloquent words of Lincoln Barnett in ‘The Universe and Dr. Einstein’, “The inescapable conclusion is that everything had a beginning: somehow and sometime the cosmic processes were started, the stellar fires ignited, and the whole vast pageant of the universe brought into being.”

What's more, the first law of thermodynamics (the conservation of matter) implies that matter cannot just pop into existence itself. And therefore, if the universe had a beginning, then something external to the universe must have caused it to come into existence—something, or Someone, transcendent to the natural world. As a result, the idea of creation is no longer merely a matter of religious faith; it is a conclusion based on the most straightforward reading of the scientific evidence. British physicist Paul Davies, though not a professing Christian, says the big bang is “the one place in the universe where there's room, even for the hard-nosed materialist (and atheist) to admit God. 


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