

In 1999, two otherwise normal looking young adults of age seventeen and eighteen years old raised through a High School in the United States of America killing in cold blood twelve students and one teacher. America was shocked and remains in shock, at the gruesome display of raw, naked evil. These normal looking boys who were admirers of Hitler, just enjoyed killing. “Do you believe in God?” one of them asked a girl. When she said yes, he asked why but never gave her a chance to answer. He fired point-blank into her face. Some years back in the area of Benin City, Nigeria, I saw a group of little kids less than 15 years of age chasing a child their age with weapons (knives, machetes, battle axe) promising to kill him when they catch him. Wanted to interfere, but was told that they belonged to a gang (cult).  Two clean-cut kids in Arkansas (USA) who looked like “the kids next door” took up positions outside the school, rang the fire alarm to get students running outside th

Is Prophet TB Joshua Truly Dead?

True Christians don't die. A dead man is the man who is existing outside Christ for Christ is life. True Christians don't die, they live to exist in another dimension (a greater realm). Those who are existing outside Christ are walking dead and God loves them if only they can just decide to make a U-turn irrespective of their misdeeds.  There's no reason to exist when and where you have served your purpose and completed your mission. Christ completed His mission and went to the next phase of glory even before his mid 30s. A true life lived is the life spent living for God and loving Him, a life lived reconciling people with the Father our creator: that was what Jesus did and that was what Prophet TB Joshua did. That is what everyone who is a true follower of Christ must do. That is what everyone who has made Christ their template must do.  So we are not sad and won't mourn, cuz we believe that Prophet TB Joshua is not truly dead. He is alive som

Chidinma Ekile Quits Secular Music For Gospel, Deletes Old Songs

Originally Published May 2, 2021 | Fikayo Olowolagba Popular Nigerian singer, Chidinma Ekile, has quit secular music to become a gospel music minister of God. Chidinma revealed this on her Instagram page even as she shared a video of her singing a gospel song in a church. She also deleted all previous pictures and videos of her songs on her Instagram page. The 30-year-old singer alongside the video wrote: “My name is Minister Chidinma Ekile. I am a crusader of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Your future needs you, your past doesn’t. The devil knows your name but he calls you by your sins. God knows your sins but he calls you by your name.” “The message is Jesus. I will reign in life because the creator of the ends of the earth loves me.” Before becoming a minister, Chidinma was known for her hit songs ‘Kedike and Yanga.’ _________________________ We are glad to receive you to the family of Christ. It must have been a tough one for you, b

Science Helplessly Proves The Existence Of God

First of, I want to register it in your mind that there are two kinds of science. There's the philosophical and the true science. True science is based on facts established from practicals and experiments. Philosophical science is based on assumption and very much like a religion and seeks to undermine Bible truth. But even philosophical science helplessly proves the existence of God. Philosophical science helplessly agrees and proves that there's God. Take for example,  ‘The Big Bang Theory’, in most motion pictures (video) starts with the birth of a universe implying that there was a beginning (Genesis 1:1).  Charles Colson in his book ‘Developing a Christian Worldview of Science and Evolution, ’ explains it better;  The birth of the universe according to Big Bang theorists begins with a flash of light and energy. Genesis 1:3 says, “Let there be light...” Science has begun to sound eerily like the Bible. The laws of thermodynamics actually make it

Who's This Guy? | A Short Story For Atheist And Evolutionists

In Williams Steig's ‘Yellow & Pink,’ a delightful whimsical (amusing/playful) book for children, two wooden figures wake up to find themselves lying on an  old newspaper in the hot sun. One figure is painted yellow, the other pink. Suddenly, Yellow sits up and asks, “Do you know what we are doing here?” “No,” replies Pink. “I don't even remember getting here.”  So begins a debate between the two marionettes (puppets) over the origin of their existence. Pink surveys their well-formed features and concludes, “Someone must have made us.” Yellow disagrees. “I say we're an accident,” and he outlines a hypothetical scenario (a reasonable explanation) of how it might have happened. A branch might have broken off a tree and fallen on a sharp rock, splitting one end of the branch into two legs. Then the wind might have sent it tumbling down a hill until it was chipped and shaped. Perhaps a flash of lightning struck in such a way as to splinter the wood

Lecrae's DNA Test Result Reveals He's a Nigerian

Lecrae Devaughn Moore (born Oct. 9, 1979 in Houston Texas, USA) is an American Christian hip hop recording artist, songwriter, music executive, actor, and entrepreneur. With 10 studio album tied to his name, Lecrae is arguably the best Christian hip hop artist with different online platform tagging him the best Gospel artist.  Gospel rapper Lecrae had a pretty rough childhood. Born and raised by his single mother, he never got to meet his father who was a drug addict. Later on, he moved in with his grandmother who was a Christian. He has stated that he would go to church with his Christian grandmother, but considered it for " older people" and said it "wasn't for me." At a very tender age, a female baby sitter sexually molested him, an incident which Lecrae believes distorted his view of sexuality, influencing his later promiscuous lifestyle. Experiencing abuse and neglect, Lecrae found comfort in rapping. He would sneak to turn on the TV late at

A Nation In Search of Vindication | Bishop M.H. Kukah

Another Christmas with Dark Clouds of Death Let me paraphrase the holy prophet Isaiah who said: “For Jerusalem (Nigeria’s sake), I will not be silent until her vindication shines forth like the dawn…..No more shall people call you forsaken, or your land desolate, but you shall be called my delight and your land espoused.” (Is. 62:1,4). Against the backdrop of our endless woes, ours has become a nation wrapped in desolation. The prospects of a failed state stare us in the face: endless bloodletting, a collapsing economy, social anomie, domestic and community violence, kidnappings, armed robberies etc. Ours has become a house of horror with fear stalking our homes, highways, cities, hamlets and entire communities. The middle grounds of optimism have continued to shift and many genuinely ask, what have we done to the gods? Does Nigeria have a future? Where can we find hope? Like the Psalmist, we ask; from where shall come our help? (Ps.121:1). Whatever the temptations to despair, we canno